We offer free shipping on all of our products.
Shipping time is 2-3 days if products are immediately available in our local warehouse (shipping time it's specified in each product page), otherwise shipping time is 5-9 days and processing time is 1-3 days (for United States, Canada, Australia, New Zeland, South Korea and Japan). For European Countries (ref. Spain, France, Netherland, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden) shipping time is 4-5 days and processing time 1-3 days .
Delivery time depends on stock availability and market demand, but we usually deliver our products in around one working week (unless products are immediately available).
We have a 14-day return policy, which means you have 14 days after receiving your item to request a return or exchange.
We will keep you updated with all information regarding the status of your order.
Please note that international shipping laws change frequently and you may be subject to additional taxes and duties over which we have no control. In this case, you are responsible for complying with applicable laws for any additional charges or taxes.